My fellow Lions of District 309,
I am honoured to be elected as District Governor of Lions Clubs International District 309 for the year 2024-2025. My sincere thanks to all.
This position comes with huge responsibilities. It requires the incumbent to ensure that all Clubs in our District comply with the rules of Lions International, as well as to lead our Lions in serving our community. It will be a challenging Lionistic Year for all of us. I need all your commitment, devotion and fullest cooperation in order for our Lions movement to progress, prosper and succeed as a united family.
Let us look forward to a great year ahead on effective membership growth, the Mission 1.5 by LCI, service excellence, foster harmony and unity as we are now an independent District of Lions Club International.
My District Governor’s logo “We Care, We Serve” symbolises that we Lions serve the needy, the less privileged, and lonely elderly in our community, with a caring heart. Our Lion’s efforts and enthusiasm during the past years, have given us a strong foundation to provide a platform to meet the needs of our community, and I look forward to new opportunities to serve.
Let us all serve together with a “Caring Heart” and for the betterment of Lionism and our country Singapore. I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my Cabinet Officers and Club Presidents, who so willingly come forward and voluntarily serve together with me in order to make a great independent District.
I have confidence that under the leadership of the Cabinet Officers and Club Presidents, membership initiatives and dedicated involvement and participation of members in the Club’s projects, activities and District’s commitments, in maintaining the strong Lions’ spirit to serve with sincerity, uphold the principles of dignity and harmony, are all important points towards the betterment of District 309.
Roar! Roar! Roar!
Shirley Lee
Shirley Lee
District Governor 2024-2025
District 309 Singapore
区总监 2024-2025年度 309区 新加坡
本人非常荣幸当选为2024-2025年度国际狮子会309区区总监。在此,我向各位 表示诚挚的谢意。
该职位肩负着重大的责任。它要求我确保我区属下的所有分会遵守国际狮子会的 规章与制度,并领导我区的会员继续服务社群。这将是狮子会充满挑战的一年。为了使作为一个团结的狮子会运动要集体取得 进步、繁荣和成功,我需要狮友们坚定不移的承诺、奉献和全力合作的精神。让我们期待未来美好的一年, 有效的会籍增长、实现国际狮子会肩负成长的使命 Mission 1.5 (150万的使命)、提供卓越的服务、促进和谐与团结,就像我区现在 已是国际狮子会的一个独立个体区。
我的区总监标识“我们的关怀,我们的服务”象征着我们狮子会会员将以一颗关爱之心,为社群中有境况较差且感到孤独的年长者和团体服务。过去几年狮子会会员的努力和热情为我们打下了坚实的基础,提供了一个满足社 群需求的平台,我非常殷切期待新的服务机会。
让我们所有人怀着“关爱之心”共同服务,为狮子会运动和我们的国家 – 新加坡 变得更加昌盛繁荣而努力。我真诚地感谢我的内阁成员和各分会会长,大家都志愿和我一起携手同行为社区服务,共同创造一个更卓越的个体区。
狮吼!狮吼!狮吼 !
Shirley Lee
区总监 2024-2025年度
309区 新加坡