Our VISION…… To be the leading source of philanthropic giving for the conduct of charitable services in Singapore from funds raised by Lions Clubs.
Our MISSION….To be the central organisation for fiscal resources generated by Lions fund-raising activities and to extend the scope of tax exempt donations to Lions causes in Singapore beyond services to the elderly.
The Lions Community Service Foundation (LCSF) was formally registered as Charity in Singapore in 2003 to succeed the then District Foundation to fulfil the above stated Mission. Its primary purpose is to establish an Endowment Fund from donations raised from the public to fund Lions community service activities, including the Lions Home, Lions Befrienders and other Lions projects. Its Institute of Public Character (IPC) status to receive tax exempt donations is renewable annually.
To commemorate Singapore’s 50th Anniversary, the NCSS Care and Share program would match every dollar raised for LCSF from 1 December 2013 through 31 Dec 2014.
All Chartered Clubs in District 308-A1 registered with ROS are members of the Lions Foundation. Through it, clubs would be united in their fund raising efforts to support of our community service programs with minimal public confusion arising from competing Lions charitable causes.
In furtherance of its objects as stated in its Constitution & Bye Laws, LCSF aims to raise funds:
- For the support and continued management by Lions of the Lions Home for the Elders, the Lions Befrienders Service Association and other Lions charitable undertakings.
- To support relief work and community service projects and activities carried out by the Lions Clubs in advancing their club charter obligations.
These include, and are not limited to bursaries for deserving students at all levels of education, financial assistance to families made destitute by the sudden illness or death of its main bread winner, local application of LCI programmes such as Lions Quest and preventable and reversible blindness. One such application is the Lions Recycle for Sight (LRS). The purpose of LRS is to collect used spectacles from the community, sterilize and recycle them by distributing to those with correctable vision problems.
Due to high myopic rate in Singapore, LRS continues to collect tens of thousands of used spectacles from the local community. Today, there are over 100 collection points spread all over Singapore for the public to drop off their used spectacles. The recycling projects are conducted in collaboration with schools and the Singapore Polytechnic Optometry Department.
The LCSF administered Lions Education Fund was established by the District in 2008 for the purpose of establishing scholarships, bursaries or other schemes with schools and institutions of learning in Singapore to provide financial assistance to deserving students. Lions Clubs may apply for funds from LCSF to support their projects in accordance with established guidelines for the disbursement of LCSF funds. All applications must meet the pre-requisite criteria and submissions endorsed by the incumbent District Governor. The decision to fund Lions projects is made by the LCSF Board.
In appreciation of the efforts by Lions and Lions clubs to raise funds for the Foundation’s charitable causes, the LCSF established an award scheme to recognise donors and fund raisers from the public, both corporations and individuals as well as Lions and Lions Clubs. These awards are presented annually at the LCSF’s Annual General Meeting.