The Singapore Chapter (Chapter 12) of the Lions Club International Stamp Club was inaugurated on the 21 August 2007 with the aim of strengthening Lionism through a common interest in stamp collecting for the three District 308-A1 entities – Lions Community Service Foundation, Lions Home for the Elders and Lions Befrienders Service Association.
The idea to start a Chapter in Singapore was mooted at the 90th International Convention in Boston, USA in 2006, following a meeting between PDG Anthony Cheong with then LISC President Thierry de Wandeleir and the current Secretary Michael Gelber at the LISC booth. Strong encouragement from them and armed with all the necessary materials provided, the impetus to introduce and start a Chapter in Singapore was fired.
The objective of LISC is to foster and develop the avocation of stamp collecting/trading amongst Lions, their families and the general public as an official activity of LCI.
Membership is open to all Lions in District 308-A1. Leos/non Lions will be Associate members. However, membership is not limited only to those with an interest in stamp collection. Anybody who is interested in community service through a different means is more than welcome to join the Chapter.
In 2009 LISC Chapter 12 adopted a service project with the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) including the Centre for Adults (CFA) whereby used stamps would be collected, repackaged and sold, giving the intellectually disabled meaningful employment. There are plans for this service project to be extended to grassroots organizations in the community. Through this, LISC hopes to highlight its activities to the general public as well as enhance the image of Lionism in Singapore.
To-date, Chapter 12 has successfully assisted the founding of Chapter 16 in our sister Sub-District 308-B2, with the first meeting and founding ceremony taking place in Penang, Malaysia in October 2012. Together with Chapter 16, Chapter 12 looks
forward to bringing the LISC movement to our fellow Lions in the rest of the South East Asia region, and the People’s Republic of China.
For more information, please get in touch via our email at liscsingapore@yahoo.com.sg
Website: http://www.lisc.nl/