D309 Lions New Members Orientation Seminar on 11th May 2024

Start time 2024-09-20 07:37
Finished Time 2024-09-20 07:37

Dear  POAs, 1VDG, 2VDG, Cabinet Officers, Club Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers

DLTI will be organising a New Members Orientation Session on 11th May 2024, and we would like to invite all New Lions as well as Current Lions to attend. 


  • Date: 11th May 2024 (Sat)
  • Time: 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm (Conducted in both English and Mandarin Sessions)
  • Venue: Lions Befrienders Training Centre @ Queenstown
    Blk 163 Stirling Road, #01-1220 Singapore 140163
  • Cost : $15.00 per participant
  • Attire : Club Vest/T shirt

We would also be sharing the following essential topics:

  1. How your club functions
  2. Where you and your club fit within the District
  3. What the District does and its structure
  4. Relationship between Lions Clubs of Singapore and Lions Clubs International 5 Global Cause that Lions Clubs support

As there are limited seats available, please register asap via the link here: https://forms.gle/E9TR7FQPUg4S2c57A

Closing date for registration is 4th May 2024

Please refer to the attached letters for your information. 

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